Monday, October 8, 2012

Take Everything!

King Leonidas:  Give them nothing!  But take from them everything! 

~quote from 300 (R)

In getting back on the writing horse I wanted to write about a more recent movie, but this particular thought has been circling in my mind far too long to wait any longer…

I thoroughly enjoyed this film, and I loved the “never back down” attitude King Leonidas had in leading his people – this man oozed with strength and courage.  The computer generated art direction is ground-breaking – a visually stunning spectacle.  Aside from the actors, everything you see is computer-generated, including the blood-spatter – which there is plenty of.  However, when watching this film, it’s as if the violence is fake at times; which isn’t really a bad thing.  It’s as if this film was made with the idea of making art rather than shock-value.  However, even with this in mind, 300 is extremely violent and most certainly NOT for those who don’t like such films.  If you’re looking for a testosterone fueled fix, 300 will certainly do.

King Leonidas was a warrior.  He led with passion and never backed down without a fight.  At times his fire painted more a picture of madness than leadership, but make no mistake – his men loved him and gladly followed to the very end.  The quote I chose from the movie to highlight here comes from a moment in which his men are about to engage their enemy.  “Give them nothing!  But take from them everything!”  These words, barked in the king’s raspy voice, instilled courage in his men to the core, and set the stage for victory.  They also got me thinking about the battles we face in life, particularly the battle all men face against the devil.

Believe it or not the devil, our enemy, is real.(a, b)  Perhaps not the red, pointy-eared, pitchfork wielding caricature we’re accustomed too, but his existence is real – living a life ignoring this fact only puts you in a more vulnerable position.  Still, this truth is only the beginning – knowing is only half the battle.  We need to be armed against our enemy, and unless you have accepted the salvation God provided through His Son, Jesus Christ(c) – you’re set up for defeat.  It’s like bringing a white flag to a gun fight – you’ve given up before you even start.

For those who have accepted God’s free gift of salvation the power is available to win the battle.  Sadly, many who have the power don’t bother to use it – instead giving away everything without a fight.  We need to reverse our thinking(d); take a stand(e), never back down without a fight.  The good news here is victory, through Christ, is inevitable.(f)  The weapons of warfare here are not of flesh, but are divinely powerful for destroying the fortresses of the enemy in your life.(g)  If the devil has a foothold(h) – don’t allow him to continue robbing you of victory!  Give the devil nothing, but take from him everything!(i)  The Blood of Jesus is FAR more powerful than anything the devil can muster – if you’re covered by the Blood of Jesus, His power is surging through you.(j)  If the devil has stole from you, stand firm(k) and take it back!

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