Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What Really Matters

Robert Langdon:  What really matters is what you believe.

~quote from The Da Vinci Code (PG-13)

The Da Vinci Code has to be one of the most controversial fiction novels in recent history and the film was no different.  I never read the book, but being the movie nut I am... I had to see the film.  It was very interesting and thought provoking and it's pretty easy to see the red flags this story raises.  I guess that's the key... can you see the red flags for what they are, or are you caught up in the story and begin to change your beliefs... this is the dilemma that has many Christians jumping from their seats and condemning Da Vinci Code.

Robert Langdon, played by Tom Hanks, voices what is supposed to be a very profound statement near the end of the film... "What really matters is what you believe."  It sure sounds good and it really isn't too far from the truth.  However, the context of the quote implies that it "really doesn't matter what you believe in as long as you believe... everyone is different and everyone is going to believe in different things... but it's ok".  Oh, it sounds so good, but it's still far off.

Certainly it really does matter what you believe, but more importantly it matters in whom you believe... in whom you place your trust.  There are many, many people who believe in God and for them the buck stops there.  This sounds good and all, and most of us can accept that God exists, is all powerful, created the world(a) and has heaven waiting for us.... however, often the way(b) He provided for all mankind to spend eternity with Him there is missed.

So many people think it's good enough to believe in God and "live a good life" for their passage through the pearly gates.  Or worse, people believe if they believe in a god... after all there is just one God, it really doesn't matter what name you give Him... come on now.  The bottom line was carved at the cross where Jesus Christ was crucified.(c)  The bottom line was sealed for eternity when, three days later, Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death.(d)  This line doesn't move and there is no compromise.(e)  The gate is narrow(f) and passage is gained only through faith in Jesus Christ.  Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe with your heart in His resurrection... that's what really matters.(g)

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